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390699 Inviato: 6 Giu 2006 20:44
Oggetto: DERBI GPR 125

Yop all(Im french), I've a GPR 125 and i want to tell you that it 's really icon_biggrin.gif
With 22cv, it icon_twisted.gif
390731 Inviato: 6 Giu 2006 20:54

are you italian?
390732 Inviato: 6 Giu 2006 20:54

Is there any question that you want to ask us,or you want some opinions abut it?!
390752 Inviato: 6 Giu 2006 21:00
Oggetto: re

I'm not italian, Im french but I speak English (i try...) because it's much easy for all

I don't understand many things on your forum but I saw the gilera SC 125 and the new aprilia rs 50 and on french forum, we are happy to wztch that. Crazymoto.net if you want to go there.
We have got TM 125, HM 125, KTM 125 SM... icon_biggrin.gif

I have videos of GPR if you want.
390763 Inviato: 6 Giu 2006 21:06

I think it's a nice web-site...
But i don't understand very well french...
390768 Inviato: 6 Giu 2006 21:07

in my opinion gpr is a good motobikes but it's better aprilia rs 125.
however your moto is bon
390772 Inviato: 6 Giu 2006 21:09

ton moto est pire que autres moto.
le gpr est une bonne moto mais le site est difficil ą comprendre.
390781 Inviato: 6 Giu 2006 21:13

In this site we speak all the languages!!!
We are international people icon_cool.gif !!!
390785 Inviato: 6 Giu 2006 21:15

we are international 0509_banana.gif
394843 Inviato: 8 Giu 2006 18:20
Oggetto: re

In our website, we have many spanish because spain in the country of the 2 stroke and the 50cc (derbi, rieju, hebo, mk....)
We've got a very good preparator Damsport.net look at his website
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