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Ting'avert (IT) - Bukowina MC (RO)
9210493 Inviato: 25 Gen 2010 8:50

Hey, Chif... it's good to see Ana on a Ninja! But how is it possible that she has still room for her belly? icon_asd.gif
We're really looking forward to see a picture of "CJ" riding a mini bike! 0509_doppio_ok.gif

P.s.: did you buy that Ducati for you? 0509_pernacchia.gif
9212070 Inviato: 25 Gen 2010 15:05

Hello everybody!!!
Here it is my solution for the very cold days . After one or two weekends we will make a second igloo above this one with a warm connection between them and we can host a lots of guests. I`ll be very happy if somebody join me 0509_welcome.gif There are also a lots of free parking places for the bikes 0509_campione.gif

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9212099 Inviato: 25 Gen 2010 15:09

Hi Niki!!!
I'd love to join you there and go to build an igloo together... but I'm afraid it won't be possible this winter! eusa_wall.gif
9212189 Inviato: 25 Gen 2010 15:19

@ niki: soooooooooooooooo angry!!!! Whem I came there it was hot quite like spring!!! No Igloo for me!!! 0510_sad.gif 0510_sad.gif 0510_sad.gif

@ Chif: Salut dude!!! So you won't stay far from bike, as we can see... how much time will you resist before buying a new one?

Do you think you and Ana are goin back to bukowina this summer? It would be great to see you again! 0509_welcome.gif
9249607 Inviato: 31 Gen 2010 23:22

Hey guys ,
@Luca: no, we're not coming back in Europe for the next 2 years. Regarding the bike, I'll get one asap I can, of course. I don't know what though, yet eusa_shifty.gif

Here you have a new video from the trip we had in Italy in 2008.
Link a pagina di Youtube.com
9264395 Inviato: 3 Feb 2010 13:58

FilippoCaliari ha scritto:
Bobi, I haven't heard anything about Lorin... when we met him in August he was still walking with the crutches, after the accident with that chopper bike. Is he ok now?

Hello to everyone. He is quite ok now. Two months ago he was walking with a cane, and now he's walking by himself. He got a small visible limp and he can't run, just walk. icon_biggrin.gif. I hope until Casina Meeting, to recover his driver license and to be able to take the trip to Italy.
9264686 Inviato: 3 Feb 2010 14:34

Bobi ha scritto:
Hello to everyone. He is quite ok now. Two months ago he was walking with a cane, and now he's walking by himself. He got a small visible limp and he can't run, just walk. icon_biggrin.gif. I hope until Casina Meeting, to recover his driver license and to be able to take the trip to Italy.

Hello Bobi!! It would be great to see him here, especially riding his bike!! 0509_doppio_ok.gif

Chif, nice video!! 0509_doppio_ok.gif
9309219 Inviato: 11 Feb 2010 12:07

Hey guys!
He have a new and fresh website Bukowinamc.ro, with all the infos you need, and also an article about our "to be" brotherhood (in english also).
9472103 Inviato: 12 Mar 2010 9:44

Hey! Check out the Photo Gallery update on our website. Don’t miss the “Early Days” gallery, with some vintage photos of Chif, Puiu and Mitrut, back from 1995, 1996 and 1997 : Link a pagina di Bukowinamc.ro
9472107 Inviato: 12 Mar 2010 9:45

Bobi ha scritto:
Hey guys!
He have a new and fresh website Bukowinamc.ro, with all the infos you need, and also an article about our "to be" brotherhood (in english also).

0509_up.gif 0509_up.gif 0509_up.gif Super! icon_asd.gif icon_asd.gif
9472342 Inviato: 12 Mar 2010 10:30

Bobi ha scritto:
Hey! Check out the Photo Gallery update on our website. Don’t miss the “Early Days” gallery, with some vintage photos of Chif, Puiu and Mitrut, back from 1995, 1996 and 1997: galerie foto

Great job, Bobi... 0509_doppio_ok.gif
I'm looking forward to come to your meeting in August, I've already planned the route to come there! icon_mrgreen.gif
9706067 Inviato: 19 Apr 2010 16:00
9706134 Inviato: 19 Apr 2010 16:09

Presente! 0509_doppio_ok.gif
12232225 Inviato: 4 Ago 2011 13:25

Hey guys, this is Puc from Bukowina MC.

Just wanted to let you know that the 5th edition of our meeting is in about three weeks - 26-28 of August. Check Link a pagina di Bukowinamc.ro (only in romanian so far, sorry).

Other than that, I'm sure you followed Chif's blog about his trip to Alaska. If not, check this link that tells the 3B + BMC Alaska story - Link a pagina di 68degreesnorth.blogspot.com
12234193 Inviato: 4 Ago 2011 20:27

Hi Puc... I'm planning to come up for the meeting, this year! I'm still upset for having missed the 4th edition...
12496765 Inviato: 3 Ott 2011 8:53

i think it will be a nice Joint venture eusa_clap.gif eusa_clap.gif eusa_clap.gif
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