Hello friends!
Great idea with this international forum and with the opportunity for all of us to easily communicate.
As many of you already know (or not yet), we'll try to discuss here and start some sort of brotherhood between our clubs, which could be in everybody's benefit. However, it would be great to start to know each other here, online, even that some of us have already met in person several times and consider themselves good friends.

P.S.1. This idea is not new, it has been posted on this forum right after our first bikers meeting, in 2007, by Fil "La presenza di una delegazione del MC Bukowina al nostro prossimo raduno di Casina, potrebbe essere l'occasione per siglare un gemellaggio ufficiale tra i due club... per sottolineare che una passione forte come la nostra non si ferma di fronte ai 2000 km che ci separano."

P.S.2. Ciao Filippo, Luca, Adriano, Davide, Silvia, Sega, Ricardo etc etc and all the guys I don't know the names cause I'm getting old