He guys,
I'm a bit pissed of at the moment.
Last summer I bought a brandnew 08 Jolly Moto 107:
Link a pagina di P1.bikepics.com
One month ago I bought a brandnew 08/09 Jolly Moto 111 SP:
Link a pagina di Img11.imageshack.us
Today I wanted to mount the SP, but when I took the 107 off and compared them I was totaly shoked!

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They do look completly the same!!
I gauged(misuare) the different pieces and they are the same!
I don't know what to do now because I bought the 107 as a 107 and the 111 as a 111.
But one of them is not right (but they were labeled as what they should be..)
It can't be the truth that they're the same except of the back conus?!
I know that Jolly updates there exhausts very often and I got the newest version, but compared to older SP's mine does look very different when I'm looking at this SP for example:
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immagini visibili ai soli utenti registrati
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Now I have mounted the "sp" and made a testdrive.
The performance is completly the same

Maybe they welded the wrong parts togehter.. I don't know.. I'm awaiting an email from Jolly on monday.
But I do now that the newer versions (06+) of the 107 do look like my jolly 107 and my 111 is the same (except of the bushing system back conus) so I think the 111 is wrong.
Also every pic of newer 111 does look different than mine, but they are updated so often.. and also sometimes the pictures are interchanged.
Really fucked up.. So i got the same exhaust twice.
Don't know what to do now

I hope someone here can help me
Best regards