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Aprilia Sportcity 125 (in english)
2405 Inviato: 7 Gen 2005 13:23
Oggetto: Aprilia Sportcity 125 (in english)

Message coming from France (in english)

Do you how is it possible to add or modify the stand to make possible to put the scooter on the stand by the right side ?

thanks to answer in english or french.
2442 Inviato: 11 Gen 2005 22:15
Oggetto: Re: Aprilia Sportcity 125 (in english)

Jack ha scritto:
Message coming from France (in english)

Do you how is it possible to add or modify the stand to make possible to put the scooter on the stand by the right side ?

thanks to answer in english or french.

Maybe it's possible, but I don't know. eusa_think.gif
1496045 Inviato: 18 Apr 2007 0:16

1498287 Inviato: 18 Apr 2007 13:29

I think it's quite impossible.Do you ever seen any scooter or bike in the right stand?And i'm not sure but it's not trade any stand in the right side. You should try to do something "at home".
1498644 Inviato: 18 Apr 2007 14:14

SuperSonicGP ha scritto:
I think it's quite impossible.Do you ever seen any scooter or bike in the right stand?And i'm not sure but it's not trade any stand in the right side. You should try to do something "at home".

Hai uppato un topic di pių di due anni fa.. icon_rolleyes.gif
1499114 Inviato: 18 Apr 2007 15:28

Ignoravo ha scritto:
SuperSonicGP ha scritto:
I think it's quite impossible.Do you ever seen any scooter or bike in the right stand?And i'm not sure but it's not trade any stand in the right side. You should try to do something "at home".

Hai uppato un topic di pių di due anni fa.. icon_rolleyes.gif

icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif
1499151 Inviato: 18 Apr 2007 15:33

Mannaggia...stavo per rispndere cn il mio potente francese...ma com'č ke ogni tanto cii stanno sti topic vekki d'anni???(pure kuello di Lorenzo-livorno....... icon_lol.gif )...la cosa strana ke ho notato č che in tutti e due i casi li ha pescati Lupin e ci ha dato na risposta(sempre in tutti e due i casi) non tanto esauriente... icon_rolleyes.gif NN si fa cosi... eusa_naughty.gif icon_wink.gif
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