First of all i want to send my best wishes, and regards to Filippo Caliari, his wife Lilly, and his friend Tony.
My special friends.
I wanna thank them for being one big part of my heart.
After that i wanna to use this oppertunity to send my best regards to NIkolay from Bulgaria.
And than i wanna to send my best regards to all Tingavert members, and i hope that i will be able to meet all of you on your club meetng.
I cant forget to send best regards to Frederico and his friend for visiting us last year.....
Dear friends, female and male bikers, motorcycle clubs, motorbike and motorsport fans.
As you know, we are the team of young hearts, and humanitarian character, and we dedicate our meetings to the people who need help.
Its hard to explain how life can be unpredictable.
Its changing like clouds, like rain, or wind and rainbow.
But the main thing is how life can be unpredictable when we talk about our beloved people.
Unfortunately, we must inform you that our beloved club member and student culturology in Osijek Faculty Biljana Smolcic recently discovered that she have a brain tumor size 4 cm, which has become very serious.
She found out for it last year in october, it has been started with headache, sickness...
After that she visit her doctor and she discovered that she have a tumor on pituitary.
After that her condition get worse, so she went to zagreb and doctors make a laser surgery in november last year, but they didnt remove all tumor, but only a half of it.
After that doctors told her that they cant make another laser surgery becouse her condition could become much worse.
So she started with medicines and chemotherapy.
The main reason is for helping her is to get her feeling better, and give back her life, like it was before that scary discoveries.
Medicines are too expensive, and her parents are not financially avaible to pay everyday departures to Zagreb, hospital taxes, and monthly medicine injection that cost around 8.000 kn=app. 1200e.
That injection is helping her to feeling better, and there is a big possibility that this injection can completely destroy the tumor.
It all becomes good, until not so long time ago when tumor start to presure optic nerve, and her condition get worse, and she started to loose her vision.
Several days ago she came home from Zagreb, she cant to out, be on the sun, on the wind, and she need to have 24/7 day care.
So we please you, if you can help us that we can provide everything that is taken away from this evil phenomenon ...
I have put some meeting information, while the announcement of bands and details will be subsequently entered.
Free entrance for all bikers and meeting visitors
Drinking water
Safe and guarded camp
Swimming lake
Lots of shade for your tents and metal pets
12:00 Meeting opening and welcome guests with gass of grappa, and club gift
20:00 Rock concert is not yet sure, but you will be notified of the change
12:00 Meeting opening and welcome guests with gass of grappa, and club gift
14:00 Lunch-Biker Premium beans made from the hands of small masters - those who have tried in recent years will know what it is about
16:00 Tour through the National Park of Nature "Kopacki Rit", with pit stop to get some beer
18:00 Bike Games
20:00 Rock Concerts
22:00 moto club awards to the participants of motorcycle games
22:30 Rock Concerts
00:00 Club suprise
Waking up, coffee time, and free breakfast
We salute you.
Come in peace or stay at home ..
Moto club Baranya, Darda - near Osijek
Nikola Zrakic, club president
+385 91 242 4720
skype: nikolazrakic 1986
facebook: Nikola Zrakic ( Dzoni MK Baranja)
And this is our last bike meeting photos. Its a facebook link, and my photos are available to all.
Link a pagina di
This is a Biljana`s photo..
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This is a map for easy find.
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This is how our meeting place look like.
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And this is our club patch.
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And this is me

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