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Dall'Australia: quattro punti cardinali.
10391839 Inviato: 12 Ago 2010 15:07
Oggetto: Dall'Australia: quattro punti cardinali.

Come al solito l'acqua calda è già stata inventata.....

Safer Roads - WHO deals with poor road design or condition
Safer People - WHAT we know about motorcycle road safety
Safer Equipment - WHICH clothing and equipment will help to keep you safe
Safety Co-ordination - WHEN we work with other road users and government agencies.



1 Safer People: road user behaviour
1.1 There is a need to address the behaviour of those motorcyclists who ride without consideration
for their own safety or that of other road users.
1.2 There is a need to address the behaviour of those drivers who lack awareness and
consideration for motorcyclists’ safety.
1.3 There is a need for motorcyclists to better understand and manage road hazard risks.
1.4 There is a need to address unlicensed riding and reckless behaviour.
1.5 The crash-reduction benefits of novice rider training and practice are not well established.
1.6 The motorcycle rider training and licensing scheme does not incorporate post-licence training
or assessment.
1.7 There is a lack of courtesy and tolerance demonstrated between all road users.
1.8 Safety information is not effectively disseminated to motorcyclists.

2 Safer Roads : road environment

2.1 Road fixtures and furniture may create crash and injury risks for motorcyclists.
2.2 Maintenance and upgrading practices may create crash and injury risks for motorcyclists.
2.3 The designers of new roads are not required to consider the specific vulnerabilities of
2.4 Crash records are not used systematically to monitor and guide road maintenance practices.

3 Safer Vehicles and Equipment : training and licensing

3.1 There is no independent, reliable information available to motorcyclists about the protective
performance of motorcycle clothing and helmets.
3.2 There is no systematic monitoring or research into the safety of motorcycle engineering
3.3 The vehicle regulation and Australian Design Rules systems do not provide adequate protection
for road users.

4 Coordination , Communication and Policy

4.1 Motorcycles are not recognised as a separate class of vehicle for road safety policy,
or for traffic management and transport planning.
4.2 There is insufficient government investment in motorcycle safety research and development.
4.3 Police crash reporting does not provide sufficient information for analysing and researching
motorcycle crash data.
4.4 There are insufficient avenues for consultation and independent advice to government
on motorcycling issues.
4.5 There is insufficient industry involvement and support for motorcycle safety initiatives.
4.6 Government services do not adequately provide for motorcyclists.
4.7 The sustainability of motorcycle safety strategies depends on the resources of the MCC.
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